Readow was created as an R&D project at MORAI.

At MORAI, we are a team of mathematicians, programmers, and big data developers passionate about artificial intelligence and machine learning research. We do end-to-end projects in every area of AI: from research on the latest developments in AI to final product implementation.

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Readow is an example of our achievements in the area of advanced AI-based recommendation systems. It provides personalized recommendations for a user on interesting books to read. The recommendations are generated by our AI system by analyzing huge amounts of data ( such as reviews from readers and ratings of specific books) concerning the reading preferences of other book lovers.

Readow gives unbiased suggestions based on opinions of fellow readers in contrast to recommendations given by online stores that usually use commercial data which is also skewed by promotion deals with publishers. We work for book lovers and our goal is to help you find an interesting book for you, not to sell it to you.

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